Friday, June 10, 2011

Seminar in Oberjoch

Today I returned home after an "overnight" Seminar with a group of German students in the beautiful German/ Austrian Alps (the Austrian border was "across the mountain" behind our hotel). We stayed in the university "Alps House". It was very nice of my thesis supervisor, Professor Dr. Kinzig and his assistants to ask me to come along for this seminar.
It was just like being in student dorms again! (Single beds, room mate and toilets and showers down the corridor!)
During the seminar, each student did an oral presentation about their topic (criminal law topic). I was very nervous about presenting, because I was the only "Ausländer" (non German) there. But I prayed about my presentation and everyone was super encouraging, so it turned out fine! 
 Apparently the skiing is very good in this part of Germany in the winter.
I am going to miss sights like these in Germany...
And having to wait in the car for "traffic" to pass....(the sound of the cow bells was so cute!)
I really missed Zev (although I was only gone for one night!) It´s nice to be sitting next to him in our little office. Have a great weekend!

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