All continues to go swimmingly..... We don't have any new, exciting pictures to post this week, and since my PC suffered a fatal melt-down, the oldies-but-goodies are not available. At least everything was backed up and the internet company that did the damage is going to buy us a new computer. So....stand by for the next photo.
Fi is doing great at the law firm. She is too modest, but I am sure she is totally impressing her employer! She is also working most nights on Uni as her LAST set of final exams rapidly approaches. By Thanksgiving she will be done with her law degree....she is pretty excited about that.
Mario and Gabby's wedding is fast approaching ( 4 Dec), and Fi will be leaving 27 Nov for 10 days in Sydney. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take off from school, but I will be there in spirit. It is also great hearing from all of the family so often. Estamos muy contentos que Mama Lola le gusta sus revistas.
More good news is that Mom and Dad York will be visiting Alabama for Christmas, with Deven, Lauren, David, Will and Emily close in tow--We are looking forward to it. It will be quite the York Christmas. A few other friends may make a cameo....Mike S, Liz P, and who knows who else over the next few months.
It has alo been great to hear from a lot of old friends over the last month; Brian, Curt, John-Francis, etc. Keep the emails coming.
Signing off for now, all our best,
Fi and Zev