Saturday, March 29, 2014

A third of the way there!

This past Friday, March 28th marked Day 10 of my radiation, which means that I am a third of the way through!! End date (where I get to ring the completion bell is April 25th!!) 

The radiation oncologist said that at around days 10 to 15 I should start to feel more tired and (I especially don't like this side effect!) lose my hair! Well, I do feel tired but am blessed to have Zev and my mum watch Zachary while I take a nap, and still feel strong enough to take Zachary to (his current favorite spots; I hope he still says "mama, I love church" or "mama, I love library" when he is 15!) to the local libraries for story and song time twice a week. We've also been trying out some toddler music classes (the boy knows how to move his hips and loves to dance, which I like of course :-)) It's hard to lie in bed all day (I'm up before the house most days to get Zev ready for work!) with an almost 2 year old active boy. We love him to bits though and I use my (short) quiet time in the morning to pray, read the Bible and catch up on emails and cards and other things before the baby wakes up! And I thought I could go back to work from home when he was 6 months old! Ha!

Enjoy this recap of the past week and a half!

Day 3 of Radiation Battle:
We visited DADDA at work in the morning. I have radiation every day at 230pm, so that allows mum and I time to do things in the morning, then go home, feed Zachary and put him down for his daily nap and sometimes I have a nap too and then Zev takes me to radiation.
Zachary prayed "God, please heal mamas brain yaya." Melted my heart.
Day 4: My sweet friend Deanna sent me this adorable grey and pink headband! Love it!
MOPS was fun!
Went out for an afternoon walk and snack with Zachary. Love this boy!
First signs of spring. Makes me smile :-) Daffodils make me smile and I love how they are everywhere right now!! Thank you Jesus!
Day 5: First week: DONE! I received this gorgeous grey and pink tutu made by the darling Darla of Louisiana in the mail!!  Love it!!! Phyllis, one of the radiation therapists just so happened to have run in a race in support of breast cancer last year. She had made 3 tutus (for 2 other ladies) and had worn grey shirts to go with them! She said "maybe I could wear my pink tutu for your last radiation session" (on April 25th!!) and I said "well maybe Tyrone (the other radiation therapist) could wear one too! To which Tyrone replied "only if your husband does too!" I said "of course he will." And when we showed Zev the pictures of Phyllis' pink tutus he said "if it makes you happy, baby, I'll do it." I love this man!!!
Weekend rest days. Saturday we took Zachary to the beach and he flew his first kite! He loved it!
Sunday: church! Love this sign in my bathroom!
My darling friend Karen made me this adorable grey and pink sparkly brooch/ head ornament! I'm loving all the grey and pink accessories :-))
Day 11 of Radiation Battle: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" Exodus 14:14 rings so true! Meme and Zachary enjoyed some giggles and it snowed again! Crazy weather we are having!! We were at the beach this past weekend! Lol
Took Zachary to Toddler Tales where he told the librarian "book good after she asked him how his (truck) book was! Of course he loved looking at the pictures of the trucks but this is how kids start to read!
Had a great nap after my radiation today. I love how Zachary says "DADDA fix it" whenever something is broken. I love that he loves his daddy so much and thinks that his daddy can fix everything. Like yesterday, it rained and Zachary pointed outside and said "wet" and then said "DADDA fix it." 
Day 12: Zev and I meet with the radiation oncologist every Tuesday. I told her "I hope I feel this good on day 30 of my treatment" to which she said "you won't." I really appreciate her telling it to me straight. Apparently I'm going to be feeling pretty tired by week 3 or 4. I keep thinking that as all mums can relate, it's hard to stay tired when you've got little ones saying "mama mama" and the sun is shining  and you want to play with them too! 
Day 13: Took Zachary to his first music class today. He loved it of course and eve n took me out for a dance! This is one of those "I pray he still wants to dance with his mama when he's 15" moments :-)
He also pretended to play the violin :-)
Zev came with me to pick up my wigs today! I really like them! This one below is called Wendy (as in from Peter Pan :-))
Day 14: Notice the piece of oatmeal on my big boy's nose! 
Day 15: A THIRD of the way there! Mum and I did some window shopping today and she was able to view the entire radiation process today, thanks to Phyllis! 
Later that afternoon, the wonderful Ginny came and we tried on the wigs! The one she is wearing is the Wendy and the long one is Sophia (as in Sophia Loren :-)) We giggled so much! 
Zev even got into the spirit and tried the Sophia in! Lol
Yesterday I went to work out at the Y :-)
And Meme carried Zachary downstairs. I told her that soon he will be carrying her downstairs!!
We also received a lovely parcel from dad and Ceci from Australia.
Thank you for all y'all's prayers! They matter so much to me and my family.

God bless.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Days 1 and 2 of Brain Cancer Radiation BATTLE!!!

"The Lord will FIGHT for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

That verse is so appropriate as I begin this next phase in my brain cancer treatment. I'm so so sooooo blessed and grateful to have my amazing husband Zev, my mum Maria and of course sweet baby Zachary by my side to keep me going each day!

I'll be honest: I feel great! Poor Zev was shaking yesterday after my first radiation treatment, but I think he settled down once he saw me smile and we went out for brunch at an all day breakfast diner. This has been like a daily date for us! Love it!! 

Being in the Word every single morning plus having a fun joke to put into our Radiation Battle Joke Book as well as a good diet and working out at the Y AND a positive attitude is the key to kicking this brain cancer's butt to the curb! Fun music (Black Eyed Peas "My Humps" was playing as the radiation techs came in at half-time to adjust me. If you have ever heard the lyrics, you can imagine my embarrassment! I didn't choose the songs: the music therapist did! Lol).

Enjoy the pics! As of today: 2 radiation sessions down; 28 to go! Let's do this!

Love FIFi :-))

Day 1: Wore green for St. Patricks Day and Zev cooked some awesome Aussie lamb for dinner!

Day 2: A beautiful picture with my baby Z man and the international symbol of hope for cancer: daffodils!
Date day at the radiation clinic!
Thank you all for your prayers. Really means a lot :-))

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Week 3 of General Grey with Pink Sparkles Brain Cancer Battle Training!

Thankful for the heartfelt prayers and support from all of our family and friends! Here is a recap of Week 3 of Brain Cancer Battle Training! 

God bless :-)

Day 14 of Brain Cancer Battle Training: Zachary turned. 23 months old today! This means he will be TWO YEARS OLD in a month! Yikes!

Mama had an Awesome Powercut session at the Y with the incredibly motivating Avis!! As she was saying "fat, you don't belong here, you don't belong in my body, you've got to get OUTTA HERE!!" (if you know Avis, insert her voice her with inflection!) I was saying "brain cancer" instead of "fat." Yes ma'am, brain cancer does NOT belong in my body and it has got to get OUTTA HERE! Haha. What a gorgeous Spring day it is outside! I have 2 more days of Pre-Deployment training before the Radiation Battle starts! And yes, I make Zev call me General Grey with Pink Sparkles or the Genny for short in the mornings :-))

Day 15: The General and DADDA stayed home from church because Zachary has a right ear infection and we spent the better half of the night in the ER. He was wide awake when we got home but with the time change and all, we actually woke up after the time to leave for church! His fever has broken thank goodness! 

I went out for a quick shop and ran into the lovely and super encouraging Rhonda, whose husband Neal teaches our Sunday school class (and is amazing at it too!) She gave me the sweetest gift: a pink and grey scarf and these earrings that I was admiring in the store the other day! Thank you, dear one! I'm so thankful for your presence in my life!

Then, when I got home, my Z men had the sweetest card presented to me by the neighbors (who found out the latest on my brain cancer journey though this blog). I haven't cried since that day in Dr. Schiff's office (we are in battle mode and Generals don't cry :-)) but whenever I hear of children praying EARNEST prayers (isn't this what Jesus talks about in the Bible: "come to me as children")?? I tend to get a little emotional :-) A joyful emotional but I love those prayers :-) Thank you sweet neighbor kids :-)) I especially love that the card is handmade on grey paper with pink, sparkly stickers on the front and back :-))
Day 16: Went to the Look Good Feel Better program at the oncology clinic! So much fun!
My neighbor Michele then surprised me with a lovely pedicure! Thanks Michele!
Day 17: Zachary invited Sleep Sheep to have breakfast with us and then proceeded to show Sleep Sheep how to go potty (mama intervened!) He is turning into such a cutie pie! Meme arrived today!!!
Day 18: Babygarten at Zachary's favorite place, the library! Mama is hoping that will still be Zachary's favorite place when he turns 15 :-)) His second favorite place is church!
Zachary received a super cool gift from our dear friends Chiara and Jerry and their family, who currently live in Germany! He LOVES this builder game!! Thank you!!
He then proceeded to help make cornbread for dinner :-)
And show Meme how his farm tractors worked.
Day 19: Mr. Almost-two-years-old wanted to sit at the adult table and eat his breakfast there! 
He later made mama's heart home when he posed in front of the international symbol of hope for cancer: daffodils!
Day 20: DADDA and Zachary had a men's day (thank you baby!) while mama went with Meme to do some fun shopping in Williamsburg! Beautiful day!
Day 21: Last day of pre-radiation battle deployment training! We went to church to praise The Lord for His mercies every single day!
Sunday evening, Ginny and Mark came over and dropped off a beautiful surprise playlist for FIFi! I love it!!!! Thank you guys so much for this amazing effort! Thanks to all who participated! 
Feeling ready for battle. Let's do this!